Bentall Dental Centre
Our Case Studies – Cosmetic Dentistry Vancouver, BC

Our Case Studies
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Case Study
The treatment included a visit to the periodontist for a soft tissue smile life that helps to improve soft tissue symmetry, balance and proportion. After six weeks to allow the tissue to heal, we did a prosthetic treatment that included eight anterior ceramic veneers.
– Erin
Case Study
Veneers in Front – Crowns in Back
Don came to our office with a primary concern about the outward appearance of his teeth. Specifically, they were chipped, uneven and showed visible signs of wear, which he wanted to be corrected. His overall dental health including his periodontal health was well maintained.
To restore Don back to where he was happy with the appearance of his teeth involved a complete head and neck examination and record taking. We did impressions of his teeth and created models. We also took pictures and digital x-rays. We were then able to diagnosis his dental wear and put together a customized plan.
The treatment plan we created allowed Dr. Shannon to customize a smile for Don that met his aesthetic desires. His full mouth reconstruction consisted of ten front veneers on both the upper and lower and crowns in the back of his mouth.
“I love the work you have done and you and your staff made it a great experience.” – Don
Case Study
Veneers made her Smile
Judith presented with a chief complaint that over the years she had been very self-conscious of her severely discolored tetracycline stained teeth. She had made various attempts to get the brighter whiter smile she hoped for but with no luck. She had some large fillings and a few chipped and broken teeth that had been restored with bonding and a crown. She was never really happy with the results of those procedures.
Judith was referred to our office by her sister who we had treated. Her sister had had a full mouth aesthetic reconstruction done the year before and was very pleased with her results. At the consultation appointment, we discussed what it was that Judith ultimately desired her teeth to look like.
We took some initial records and a week later we meet with Judith to discuss what treatment options she had. We decided in order to achieve her desired result we would need a combination of porcelain veneers, porcelain ¾ crowns, and metal-free zirconia full-coverage crowns. Her ‘after’ smile is pretty amazing and she loves it, which is more important.
“I cannot thank you enough, Dr. Shannon. I never really thought it was possible to feel Wow! about my smile. I feel so fortunate to have found you.” – Judith
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Case Study
Metal-Free Crowns and Veneers
Colin came to see us because he was not happy with his smile. His teeth were chipped and worn down. He had some discoloration in the teeth and spaces between the teeth, which made him self conscious of his smile. He really wanted a brighter whiter smile.
Over the years he had a number of dental procedures done but none of them left him feeling that his smile was a reflection of that work. His dental history included old amalgam fillings, large composite fillings, and ill-fitting crowns.
At his consultation appointment, we discussed with Colin the restorations would best achieve the aesthetic results he was wanting. It was decided that a combination of new metal-free crowns, partial crowns and veneers would give Colin exactly what he wanted in order to reflect his healthy natural smile. He ended up not only with a smile that was stable and functional but also one he was proud to show off!
“Once again, thank you to you and your staff. I am extremely pleased with the results.” – Colin
Case Study
Veneers used to correct Ortho Issues
Vanessa came to us because she was not pleased with how her teeth were crowded and uneven. She felt her smile was very narrow and not as white as she would like. She had a friend in California who had veneers done by an LA dentist. Vanessa moved to Vancouver and asked her friend’s LA dentist to recommend a dentist in Vancouver. He recommended our practice because he was accredited by the AACD and so is Dr. Shannon. He also knows Dr. Shannon and was confident that Dr. Shannon would do a fantastic job. Vanessa came to see us.
She had previously had an orthodontic consultation to see if orthodontics were a solution. In the end, she decided not to follow the orthodontic treatment. She really wanted immediate results and orthodontic treatment takes time. Therefore, she asked for orthodontic veneering and wanted assurance that it could be done to correct her crowding, lack of symmetry and narrow smile corridor.
Once we took records, reviewed her case and built an aesthetic wax model of what was possible, Vanessa came back to our office to discuss her options. She loved what her teeth were going to look like and was excited to start treatment immediately. To achieve Vanessa’s goals we delivered eight ceramic veneers. Her results speak for themselves. She left wearing a smile that was amazing.
“Thank you to Dr. Shannon and his staff for making my experience positive and comfortable. I was so inspired by the way I felt after I did this that I have enrolled in school for later down the road to becoming a dental assistant so I can watch many other people feel the same way.” – Vanessa
Case Study
Ceramic Bridges To Fix Missing Teeth
David is a young up and coming actor who until recently had always been behind the camera. He wanted to be in front of the camera acting but thought that his smile was not going to make that happen. This lack of confidence in his teeth was really affecting his life. He realized how important it is to have a nice bright white smile because the camera lens picks up on all the good, the bad and even the ugly. He decided to come and talk to us about a way to improve his smile.
David was congenitally missing his two upper lateral teeth – the teeth on each side of the two front teeth. He previously had 2 Maryland type bridges filling in those spaces. At his consultation appointment, the options of implants versus bridges were discussed. Because of time restrictions and his desire to get in front of the camera as soon as possible it was decided that new bridges were the best option for him. It was also decided that David would bleach his teeth prior to treatment to give him the white smile he wanted.
After he bleached his teeth to the whiteness he wanted, we placed two, three-unit zirconia all-ceramic bridges. David is now in front of the camera smiling away.
“No longer am I hiding behind the camera thanks to your amazing work! I feel so at home now smiling away in front of the camera. Thank you, Dr. Shannon.” – David
Case Study
Combination of Crowns and Veneers
Terry presented with a number of concerns. Her biggest concern was that her smile was not white enough. She was not happy with her uneven, worn and discoloured teeth.
Over the years she had fillings replaced with composite and some minor aesthetic work was done to get her through. Her husband decided to give her a Smile Gift Certificate so Terry could finally get the bright white smile she had always wanted.
To help Terry get her new smile we used a combination of veneers and ¾ porcelain crowns and full coverage metal-free zirconia crowns.
Terry smiles with confidence and is thrilled that she has the bright smile she always wanted.
“Andrew, thank you so much. I can’t believe my husband got a gift certificate for veneers! The best gift ever.”
– Terry